Board Members

Michael Dedieu 🇫🇷
Michael Dedieu is Managing Partner of Marguerite, a pan-European Infrastructure fund with over Eur 1.5 bn under management. Marguerite provides equity or quasi equity products to transport, energy, renewable, telecom and water projects located in EU countries with a focus on Greenfield projects. Michael has over 25 years experience in equity investments, project development and project finance. Prior to joining Marguerite, Michael spent 14 years with Fluor where his last position was head of European Infrastructure business development and global head of PPP and was previously VP project Finance at Credit Lyonnais. Michael holds a business degree from EDHEC and an MSc in Financial Engineering from EM Lyon. He is fluent in English and Spanish.

Alfonso Gajate 🇪🇸
Founded IslaLink in 1999, first Spanish neutral submarine cable operator. Deployed cables to the Balearic and Canary Islands and to Algeria. From IslaLink founded EllaLink, a direct link Europe Latin-America, in 2016 EllaLink became the independent company that today deploys the cable. Previously, held top management positions in Alcatel, DEC, IBM and ITT in Spain, France, UK, Switzerland, USA, Perú and Belgium. Was or is, member or board member of AMETIC, C@SI, DIALOGO, Chambre, Foro de la Sociedad Civil, Foro de Foros, and Círculo de Empresarios. Graduated as MSEE, MBA, AMP, PADE and is Officier de l’Ordre du Mérite de Francia and Ingeniero Honorario de Telecomunicaciones.

Ross Mullins 🇨🇭
Ross Mullins is a Swiss/American venture entrepreneur (now retired) who worked for nearly 20 years in the submarine cable industry funding, promoting, developing and operating subsea fibre optic telecommunications systems from the Spanish mainland to the Balearic Islands, the Canary Islands, Morocco, Algeria and Brazil with the IslaLink group. Previously he was one of the first western entrepreneurs to set up shop in Russia after the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 where he founded and was lead investor in three companies. Earlier in his career, he held senior European management positions at Fortune 500 corporations (J.P.Morgan Chase, Digital Equipment Corporation, and Merisel Inc) in Spain and Switzerland.

Alessandro Talotta 🇮🇹
Alessandro Talotta has held several executive positions both on the supplier and operator side, developing significant experience in driving service go-to-market strategies in the mobile industry, along with leading the expansion of Telecom Italia Sparkle’s wholesale expansions in the submarine market. Alessandro is currently an advisor for international financial funds.

Alberto Horcajo 🇪🇸
CEO Transportes Azkar (1992-2001), CEO, Atento (2001-2003), Group Chief Procurement and Resources Officer, Telefónica (2004-2012), CFO, Vivo-Telefónica Brazil (2013-2016), First CEO, Telxius Telecom (2016-2017), Co-Founder, Red Colmena (present). Besides, I sit in several boards, serving as Chair of Audit Committee. Chairman, Instituto de Educación e Investigación (non-profit for higher learning) and member of the Audit Committee, Universidad de Navarra.